The SAFE Alternative To Firearms Training! want to pursue your TX License To Carry, or you merely want to improve your shooting. Well this class is what you're looking for. This class is dedicated to assisting with improving your accuracy. This class assumes the student has some experience with a firearm, so it is assumed that you have the fundamentals BUT your accuracy may be lacking. We consider this little bit of an advanced course given the student should have experience shooting.
SA FirEarms provides simple techniques necessary to take aim and hit what you're aiminig at. This course is one-on-one so the attention is devoted solely to the student. As I observe I will coach real time with the student as to what he/she is doing to affect their shot and offer tips on how to correct it. I will not only focus on the improvement opportunities, but also focus on the things done right. I will also strive to get the student to shoot more instinctively.
By the end of class, you will have learned the simple things to improve your shot, which can be applied to the firearm you'll use during class or any firearm you choose to purchase in the future. In my years of teaching, lack of proficiency due to not getting out to the range on a regular basis is by far the most prevalent shortfall among all shooters. Improving your accuracy, lessens your liability by being able to hit your target.
Please contact us for current pricing as it is well worth it to become more proficient and improve your shooting.
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